From a distance, copywriting does not look very hard to do. If you’re an internet marketer, you’ve undoubtedly seen many sales letters. How hard can it be to write a few pages of text that gets people to buy what you are selling? But any amount of time in IM will reveal the importance of good copy, plus the realization that it’s not all that easy to write.
Olivia Rubin
Defining “Link Building” Keywords And Phrases
Before defining link-building keywords, we must know What is Link building? Link building is creating and earning links from other websites to your own. It’s an essential part of SEO, as it helps improve your website’s authority and ranking in search engines. Link building has two main components: link acquisition and link quality. Link acquisition … Read more
What To Look For When Hiring An SEO Expert
While SEO is a general term for Search Engine Optimization, it is indeed a specific process that an SEO company must master. It’s not enough to simply hire a good SEO company to get your website ranked. You need to use an SEO expert in order to maximize the results you receive from your introduction. … Read more
Outsourcing your SEO Yes or No?
You shouldn’t have to outsource Search Engine Optimisation. SEO is not hard to learn. After a couple of weekends, trawling around forums like, WebMasterWorld and BandofGonzos, you should be able to learn enough of the basics to get you started. What many people don’t understand, is that SEO is an ongoing process. SEO is … Read more