How to Save Your Website From Google Penalties

We know that search engine optimisation is important for business as you get a lot of organic traffic from search engines like Google, Bing, and Yep. In order to quickly rank, we do create some bad links and land on Google Penalties. In this article, we will discuss what is google Penalties and how to avoid this.

Google search ranking penalties can come in the form of a manual penalty or an algorithm-based penalty.

The Manual Penalty

A manual penalty usually means somebody from Google’s team has evaluated your site and applied a penalty as they believe the site is breaking Google’s webmaster guidelines. The site may have been reported to Google or they may have reviewed the site because the algorithm noted much spam like qualities surrounding the site. You will receive a message in your webmaster tools account informing you of the penalty if you have one of these.

A Google manual penalty is hard to recover from and often the best approach is to just start again rather than trying to fix lots of bad backlinks if there are many of these. Removing backlinks that you do not have control over can be extremely difficult and time consuming plus it is pretty boring going through lots of spammy links so many just accept the blow and start again as is often quicker and less destroying.

That said, if you believe you only have a few spammy links pointing at the site then you might want to try and fix things. I have not seen a manual penalty though when there were only a few spammy links involved. Once you have cleaned up the links and your onsite SEO you can submit a reconsideration request with Google.

The Algorithm Penalty

This penalty is far harder to detect as you will not receive a message in webmaster tools about this type of penalty. The only real way to judge if a site has been hit by an algorithm penalty is to see if there has been a sudden drop in your search rankings. This drop will not be of 1 or 2 places but will be substantial enough to pretty much lose all traffic for that particular search term.

Algorithm penalties are also keyword-based so you might rank well for a particular term but have no rankings at all for another search term.

Many people mistakenly think that they have received an algorithm-based penalty when Google updates the way that they rank sites. If for example, you had lots of website directory-based backlinks you may have seen a drop in rankings over the years as Google does not value these links as highly as they used to. So it is not a penalty in this scenario but a case of your backlinks not being as effective as they used to be and so your site drops in the search rankings as other sites rise above yours.

So How Do You Avoid Either of These?

The easiest way is to just forget about SEO! If you have no knowledge of SEO then you will not have the knowledge to try and manipulate things.

Be genuine in your marketing efforts and be real with your social media marketing too, rather than always looking for a gain from the search engines for your efforts.

Write and promote yourself to humans rather than to search engines. Creating content just for search results is a bad idea and is usually a waste of time. Duplicate content can land you into scrap content penalty. If you have a blog do write evergreen unique content and hire a blog writing agency in UK

Don’t buy any cheap mass submission packages that offer hundreds or thousands of backlinks. This is asking for a penalty!

Don’t buy likes, shares, mentions, etc. This is a waste of your money and can easily be identified as spam.

Don’t have loads of sites that all link together for the sake of creating backlinks. This is also asking for a penalty.

Don’t buy text links. This used to work great in the past but is just a quick way of getting a penalty these days.

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